Singer · Songwriter


Dear friend, as you listen to the songs on this site, please know that these songs are an expression of my love for God above all and you as a fellow traveler. 

It is my hope that you will be inspired to grow in grace , closer to our heavenly father and that we resemble Him in character more and more each day.

A little on the songs. Humans have been entrusted by our Creator to share the final warning To humanity this is heard in the lyrics of “The Three Angels Message” (Revelations 14:6-12).

How long speaks of the yearning of the soul asking how long till The King and His Kingdom be established down here, aren’t you tired of the same diet of pain and suffering? Know that soon
the change will come. It’s our choice if we want to be in the Kingdom or be left out, yes it’s your
choice (“Choose Life”).that’s all for now enjoy the music, hope it speaks to your soul.
God Bless you
Your Brother Carlos Ricketts Sr

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